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Buggy Walks

Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, 10am, at Stourhead Gardens

This walk through the gardens at Stourhead is available for parents/carers with children under 5 years of age living within a 10-mile radius of The Balsam Centre.


What happens on a Buggy Walk?

This is a popular walk limited to 14 people each week, so we run it on a first-come-first-served basis. You must register for a pass before your first walk and book for each walk via the Stourhead Buggy & Sling Walks Facebook group. The pass (one per adult) will give you free entry and parking when you join our organised walks, so don’t forget to bring it with you.


Meet our walk leaders outside the visitors centre at 9:30am for a prompt start at 10:00am. The walk will take approximately 1.5 hours. Toddlers are welcome and if appropriate, we can offer a shorter route to facilitate small, tired legs.


Once the walk has finished, you are welcome to use the café outside the visitors centre but not permitted to re-enter the gardens.


A full risk assessment is in place; however parent/carers are responsible for the supervision and safety of their own child at all times.


Please join our Facebook group for updates.



"It is so important that mums and babies/tots can get together, exercise, have fresh air, and experience congenial, peaceful surroundings whilst sharing their experiences and concerns"


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